Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Science Groups- Gardening

Hi Everyone,
Last week the gardening group planted some sunflower seeds. This week we saw the first shoots pop up from under the ground. It is not the right time to plant sunflowers but it will be interesting to see how well they grow. Today we planted some more. We will compare the two groups of plantings over the next few weeks.
This week's gardening group also planted some mustard seeds in cups of damp cotton wool. They put them in a warm sunny place on the window sill. We will look the sprouts every day and hopefully watch them grow!


  1. Hi Junior Crew,
    Good luck with your sunflower plants. I love sunflowers because they are so bright and cheerful. It looks like you have a strong shoot planted outside.

  2. I just love sunflowers! We love to plant the GIANT kind.

  3. Wow! Great experiment!! Your blog is very exciting, Junior Crew! Keep up the great work. I can't wait to check back and see your fully grown sunflowers!

  4. I like your sunflower experiment. It was cool to read.
    By Colton
